Poetry reading of “Trees”

First Video Podcast

Improvements have been made to the first audio podcast, but I still don’t seem quite like myself.  I’d like to put a little more oomf into it – hmm not sure oomf is a word.  🙂  Zest works.  Voice is not as monotone.  Surprising obervation?  Video podcasts are easier than audio podcasts – at least for me.  In this video, I read “Trees” by Harry Behn in my backyard.  At one point, a chicken can be heard clucking, but I thought it added some fun to the video so I kept it.  The chosen assignment for this is to walk outdoors to find inspiration to write a poem.  It seems fitting since Earth Day just passed.  I also describe a future Venn diagram assignment comparing “Trees” with the student poet’s own poem.  Hope you enjoy!

Tree Poem2

First Podcast “Connections: Past and Present”

Connections Curie Einstein Hubble2


Possible assignments with this podcast:  1) Choose one piece of information in this podcast for further research, then create your own podcast to share via blogging 2) Create a Venn diagram to compare/contrast one connection from this piece 3) Write a descriptive narrative providing a potential future story from one of the three connections


Okay, guys, go easy on the comments when you listen.  This is my first attempt at creating/editing a podcast.  I’ve decided to publish it as a baseline to showcase improvement over time.

The 4-1-1

Here’s the concept for classroom use: by using a broad title, the podcast can be utilized across the curriculum.  For fun, I chose Curie, Einstein, and the Hubble Telescope, then I provided current information relevant to the three topics.  Alternatively, I could have focused on connections in history, literature, or math.  The podcast will be used to generate interest, encourage analysis, plus further use of technical skills.  That’s all I have at this point.  More experimentation is required to develop application ideas and create more professional podcasts.  I was shocked how southern I sound!  Audacity was used for recording, voice editing, and converting to an MP3 with a download.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts on podcasting, plus integration of this tool in the classroom.

What Have I learned

Start smaller!  Beginning with a 5 minute podcast when first learning – not the best idea.  For classroom use two connections are plenty.  Intonation matters.  My first trial was too bubbly so I toned it down for the second trial.  After editing this piece, it’s obvious it needs more flow, particularly in the beginning.

Editing is tedious, but easy.  There’s still a learning curve on this one, but the process was easier than expected.  But WOW did it take time to examine the audio, second by second.

Scripting is probably the best option for me.  I chose to improv on this one which showed.  At least until I establish familiarity, then scripting may produce fewer mistakes and dead space.  At least that’s the current theory.


Newsflash for all educators!  For a professional, must-have podcast, you really want to visit the Scientific American podcast page.  I was hooked from the moment the April 6, 2012 segment began:  Lent End Means Hyena Free Lunch.  Looking at science objectives, this particular podcast could be connected to ecosystems, food web, adaptations, global impact, religion, culture, or geography.  I’m sure there are many more topics, but this is what spun out of my fingers as I type.  I envision using this podcast feed to inspire writing, research, discussions, critical thinking, connections with TEKS, and interest in new topics.   I don’t believe technology should be used without (relevance), but it certainly opens of the doors of imagination more widely.