First Podcast “Connections: Past and Present”

Connections Curie Einstein Hubble2


Possible assignments with this podcast:  1) Choose one piece of information in this podcast for further research, then create your own podcast to share via blogging 2) Create a Venn diagram to compare/contrast one connection from this piece 3) Write a descriptive narrative providing a potential future story from one of the three connections


Okay, guys, go easy on the comments when you listen.  This is my first attempt at creating/editing a podcast.  I’ve decided to publish it as a baseline to showcase improvement over time.

The 4-1-1

Here’s the concept for classroom use: by using a broad title, the podcast can be utilized across the curriculum.  For fun, I chose Curie, Einstein, and the Hubble Telescope, then I provided current information relevant to the three topics.  Alternatively, I could have focused on connections in history, literature, or math.  The podcast will be used to generate interest, encourage analysis, plus further use of technical skills.  That’s all I have at this point.  More experimentation is required to develop application ideas and create more professional podcasts.  I was shocked how southern I sound!  Audacity was used for recording, voice editing, and converting to an MP3 with a download.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts on podcasting, plus integration of this tool in the classroom.

What Have I learned

Start smaller!  Beginning with a 5 minute podcast when first learning – not the best idea.  For classroom use two connections are plenty.  Intonation matters.  My first trial was too bubbly so I toned it down for the second trial.  After editing this piece, it’s obvious it needs more flow, particularly in the beginning.

Editing is tedious, but easy.  There’s still a learning curve on this one, but the process was easier than expected.  But WOW did it take time to examine the audio, second by second.

Scripting is probably the best option for me.  I chose to improv on this one which showed.  At least until I establish familiarity, then scripting may produce fewer mistakes and dead space.  At least that’s the current theory.


Newsflash for all educators!  For a professional, must-have podcast, you really want to visit the Scientific American podcast page.  I was hooked from the moment the April 6, 2012 segment began:  Lent End Means Hyena Free Lunch.  Looking at science objectives, this particular podcast could be connected to ecosystems, food web, adaptations, global impact, religion, culture, or geography.  I’m sure there are many more topics, but this is what spun out of my fingers as I type.  I envision using this podcast feed to inspire writing, research, discussions, critical thinking, connections with TEKS, and interest in new topics.   I don’t believe technology should be used without (relevance), but it certainly opens of the doors of imagination more widely.

Teaching Philosophy

Personal Philosophy Discussion Page

What are your personal beliefs concerning education?   Naturally, I find many changes evolve through experience, though there are some basic values which remain constant.  Please feel free to comment or critique my thoughts.  I’m always  willing to learn through others’ perspectives.  Here are some current opinions with the realization there is much to learn:


  • All children have value.  Students must be encouraged to realize their personal worth, while recognizing the merit of others, respecting that values/cultures often differ.  This matters most to me.  I don’t mean insincere praise, but rather strengthening a student’s capabilities, revealing potential and sharing an appreciation for the intrinsic value of all people.
  • Content matters.  However, the foundation of learning evolves through critical thinking.  During inquiry information is processed, sorted, and manipulated to stimulate critical thinking (predictions, inferences, comparisons/contrasts, searching for fallacies, analyzing data, then problem solving using newly constructed concepts/principles).  Each lesson is an opportunity to dig deeper whether it’s through questions, discussion, or the lesson itself.  What does this look like?  It appears in the classroom with independent/group examination to satisfying personal curiosity, then twist and probe the information for deeper understanding.  The teacher’s role is one of support, guidance, and solicitation.
  • Children need to experience a variety of technological tools to support ability to adapt with rapid changes in this area.  Success in tomorrow’s society requires technical agility; varied opportunity improves ability to transfer skill sets where needed.  This doesn’t mean throw in technology thoughtlessly, but where it fits the criteria.
  • Children need to manipulate and experiment.  Learning is a natural process when children interact with relevant concepts.  Vital to this idea is student-centered instruction to increase interest, retention, and authentic representation of adult collaboration in the workforce.    What does this look like?  It showcases as a classroom persuasive essay addressing observed campus issues.  Written to the appropriate audience,  it promotes a reasonable plan of action.  Classroom discussions/votes/team participation lead up to the essay.  This works best using an inquiry based approach.  Capitalizing on children’s innate curiosity, plus placing responsibility of the activities on the students inspires active learning.
  • Educators must recognize the whole child. A child walks into a classroom with his entire world carried in his heart, his education will be affected by all aspects of his life.  It is important to remember that information is not the sole tool of life; we share values, self-worth, work ethic, respect, and love.
  • Variety is important.  This has several facets: 1) a mix of  teacher, peer, and self directed activity 2) using multiple intelligence approaches within units 3) novel events- such as a guest author book discussion 4)and routine/chore assignment adjustment to provide children opportunities to serve in several roles.
  • Classroom management with respect fosters success.  People respond to respect and encouragement.  Believe in a child and he/she will prove you right.  This doesn’t mean a classroom without boundaries or structure.  It’s often as easy as “The Look” – I see what you are doing, you know what I expect, I’m waiting.  Wonderful, now let’s get back to learning.  No words – but an entire conversation which resumes productivity without controversy.
  • Educators must set high expectations for each child in a class room, then help each student reach those goals.  Children will work to the level of expectations set as long as the environment is one of respect, support, and encouragement.  What does this look like?  An educator working under this belief is willing to wait quietly for an answer rather than filling in an answer or directing a question to the student more likely to answer quickly.  This teacher returns to a student who didn’t earlier understand to ensure success because it is understood that success is possible.
  • Teaching is only for those who love children + teaching.  If this statement doesn’t hold true for someone, he/she should find a different job.  It’s the only fair choice for the children.



Hello world!

About me

After staying home to raise children, I am completing my degree/certification as an elementary school teacher.

This is my personal record of my experiences, reflections, and education.  Like many teachers, I love to share.

Relax, grab a favorite drink (coffee here), and join me.

Current Project

Supplementing my university courses, I am reading Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools forClassrooms by Will Richardson, plus taking an online Web 2.0 mini-course.  Through Richardson’s book, I’ve discovered fabulous educator blogs which have proven very resourceful such as Dean Shareski’s “Thoughts and Ideas” and Vicki Davis’ “Cool Cat Teacher Blog.”  When you browse Vicki’s blog, you have to wonder how she accomplishes as much as she does.  Wow!  Learning more about “flattened classrooms” is on my to do list as a result.  I’ve also ventured into the addictive world of RSS feeds.  The book shares how students can use these feeds to accrue research material.

Final Thoughts

The more I learn, the more I realize how useful technology will be in the classroom when used in a relevant manner.  I foresee strong interest from students with  Who doesn’t want to create an avatar, then assert opinions/ideas through such an innovative avenue?  The more I learn about teaching, the more I excited I become –           to discover, to share, to begin.