Hello world!

About me

After staying home to raise children, I am completing my degree/certification as an elementary school teacher.

This is my personal record of my experiences, reflections, and education.  Like many teachers, I love to share.

Relax, grab a favorite drink (coffee here), and join me.

Current Project

Supplementing my university courses, I am reading Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools forClassrooms by Will Richardson, plus taking an online Web 2.0 mini-course.  Through Richardson’s book, I’ve discovered fabulous educator blogs which have proven very resourceful such as Dean Shareski’s “Thoughts and Ideas” and Vicki Davis’ “Cool Cat Teacher Blog.”  When you browse Vicki’s blog, you have to wonder how she accomplishes as much as she does.  Wow!  Learning more about “flattened classrooms” is on my to do list as a result.  I’ve also ventured into the addictive world of RSS feeds.  The book shares how students can use these feeds to accrue research material.

Final Thoughts

The more I learn, the more I realize how useful technology will be in the classroom when used in a relevant manner.  I foresee strong interest from students with voki.com.  Who doesn’t want to create an avatar, then assert opinions/ideas through such an innovative avenue?  The more I learn about teaching, the more I excited I become –           to discover, to share, to begin.